Security Controls in the Android Operating System (OS) to protect the apps
Android OS Security Controls
In this post, we will learn the different security controls provided by Android OS to protect the Apps running on the Device.
As part of the Android Application Security series, we are going to understand the Security Controls provided by Android OS(Operating System) to protect the applications that are running on the device. Without these security controls in place, the data on the devices or in transit of any app can be easily accessed by other apps/devices in the network.
Before get started, if you didn’t read the first part of this series. I highly recommend to read it here:
Before the rise of mobile devices, OS (Operating System) security primarily focused on desktop computers, servers and enterprise systems. Below are few important controls implemented by OS.
RBAC (Role Based Access Control), Multi User environments Network Security to protect against DoS (Denial of Service) attacks, firewalls, antivirus etc Memory Protection mechanisms: BoF (Buffer Over Flow) attacks were major attacks. To protect against those, DEP/ASLR (Data Execution Prevention)/(Address Space Layout Randomization) security controls implemented. Securing the file systems with File Permissions, File Encryption, Disk Encryption Like these, different operating systems (Windows/Linux/Unix/Solaris etc) came up with several protection mechanisms by the time mobile device era started.
By keeping these security controls mobile operating systems like Android and iOS started building the mobile platforms. But still in the earlier days, these are not many controls available in Android/iOS. They added the required controls pretty fast.
Android Security followed defense in depth model to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA). In the defense in depth approach, they have implemented several controls. Below are important:
Android Users and Groups
SELinux (Security Enhanced Linux)
App Sandbox
Device Encryption
Trusted Execution Environment(TEE)
Below list shows the improvements :
Android 4.2 (API level 16) in November 2012 (introduction of SELinux)
Android 4.3 (API level 18) in July 2013 (SELinux became enabled by default)
Android 4.4 (API level 19) in October 2013 (several new APIs and ART introduced)
Android 5.0 (API level 21) in November 2014 (ART used by default and many other features added)
Android 6.0 (API level 23) in October 2015 (many new features and improvements, including granting; detailed permissions setup at runtime rather than all or nothing during installation)
Android 7.0 (API level 24-25) in August 2016 (new JIT compiler on ART)
Android 8.0 (API level 26-27) in August 2017 (a lot of security improvements)
Android 9 (API level 28) in August 2018 (restriction of background usage of mic or camera, introduction of lockdown mode, default HTTPS for all apps)
Android 10 (API level 29) in September 2019 (access location "only while using the app", device tracking prevention, improve secure external storage,)
Android App Security Features Apart from these regular Operating System controls, Android will provide below security controls for an App running on Android OS.
App Sandboxing
App Signing
Key Store
App Sandboxing
Application Sandboxing is one of the critical feature provided by Android OS. It allows to keep your data or process in a sandbox environment and won’t allow other apps (malicious or normal). This will protect data insider the app. Linux-based security mechanisms, file system permissions, and runtime restrictions to ensure that apps operate independently without unauthorized access to system resources or other apps. As we have seen in the previous article, the application data will be there in /data/data/ folder.
barbet:/data/data # ls android android.auto_generated_rro_product__ android.auto_generated_rro_vendor__ android.myshop.release
While installing the app on device, OS generates a unique code for the app and perform Base64 encode on it. Then create a folder name with that. Before Oreo, Android used normal package name. But after Oreo, to provide better unique names and security, Android started creating unique folder names.
barbet:/data/data # ls /data/app/ ~~-09YTqMLYcn7FwT_vUBMOA== ~~AK82hlWJIrFJf2cgbVRR3g== ~~KvDoAodAiN0LD2UILHaetg== ~~QOHLg7084hj8rNBvVYHYeg== ~~gndAwbGNwp0mzMUTP556Sg== ~~uoiS3mnMS4L3QfsR0uwqPA== ~~1GBi7xnRkkWDvnnXZaZHPQ== ~~CeEiKh1AzGKF9Y9x76zs5A== ~~L6i9NBP_E_AWx0xH9YqlTA== ~~Qdd7zzYfVflMMaAGBQ8ZMw== ~~hfTx_FzGJ_VJ0ixIGudCZg== ~~vD_rgwS55aJpet3R2BZmPw== ~~21GSMTYpPGbmfo2J0pktSQ== ~~DBpe3alZqtqzhzbsPsiIMg== ~~LBtCo2pnLZRNu_bG1KmjIQ== ~~RBZl37VivVPAu4ovxRpX3Q== ~~j4XtEDAErb_X2lAXlXgHvA== ~~vM80pt2jacKCCUjiKCh9UA== ~~2WLzdU9faNRtTWTH9veuiw== ~~DbXAPRM1sjmHHYWO4BER0w== ~~MSw6x4JmrypY_E2G71wchw== ~~TU9zLt0XNPdlo26BAr_aIw== ~~jMmQ6FtaqWQ_HmLd85T_pQ== ~~vqp1MM_cfzUyOEucWflhDg== ~~2eFNNEK0J5-bfUpxfOnNGw== ~~DxOUwLmCdEqkM_2UXXDo-g== ~~Ma7GQ-mgVbviiz1NVUECiQ== ~~U4EbGiTCND1jmF3wZdkRYw== ~~j_HCTKzJrbJ7OVjNxm45Dw== ~~vvRXqZtaVpDagq6KtxMXQg== ~~2zp6xn7KRnCY7KP-eL1uDw== ~~En-qhd9ZYwBn2WR5JTYBcg== ~~MhXEKEfd9PxBFoHtcXMAMA== ~~WmA6pQdCwVlAa5kxwhRaYA== ~~kAhQi7P28dfkIgqlK8Ytmw== ~~wTH3BJqtk3T8SePQmQw3Zg==
Android permissions are critical controls that dictate how an app interacts with system resources, such as accessing the internet, reading contacts, or accessing files on the device. Apps must declare required permissions in the AndroidManifest.xml file. Users are informed about the requested permissions during installation (or runtime for dangerous permissions) and can decide whether to grant them, ensuring transparency and control over app behavior.
Install time permissions Normal Permissions Special Permissions Permission groups
App Signing
To install any app(APK File) on the device, it has to be digitally signed. Without proper Signature verification, OS won’t allow the installation. This helps the user to see authenticity of the developer/organization.
Key Store
A Keystore in Android is a secure container used to store cryptographic keys and certificates. It plays a vital role in app signing, securing sensitive data, and enabling cryptographic operations like encryption, decryption, and authentication.
We can see how these controls helps the Android Applications to protect from malicious apps in the upcoming posts.